1. Personal Particulars
1.1 Personal History
1.1.1 Name: Dismas Lyegendili Mwaseba
1.1.2 Address
Department of Agricultural Extension and Community Development
Sokoine University of Agriculture
P. O. BOX 3002, Morogoro, Tanzania
TEL/FAX: +255 23-4360
Mobile: 0755 074 746; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
1.2 Academic Qualifications
Qualifications (and when obtained) University/College Attended
1.2.1 1.2.1 PhD (2005) Norwegian University of Life SCiences (NMBU)
1.2.2 M.Phil. (Agric. Ext. & Rural Soc.) (1991) Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria
1.2.3 B.Sc. (Agric.) (1985) Sokoine University of Agriculture,
Morogoro, Tanzania
1.3 Leadership and Membership in Boards/Committees
Position Date
1.3.1 Head of Department of Agricultural Educ. &
Extension July 2008 – June 2011
1.3.2 Director, SUA Centre for Sustainable Rural
Development July 2011 – January 2016
1.3.3 Member of Committee of Deans/Directors July 2011 – January 2016
1.3.4 Member, Board of the Faculty of Agriculture July 2008 – June 2011
1.3.5 Member, SUA Senate July 2008 – January 2016
1.3.6 Member, Moshi Cooperative University Senate October 2012 – to date
1.3.7 Chairperson, Agriculture Subject Panel, Tanzania December 2010 – to date
Institute of Education
1.3.8 Member, TAFORI Board of Directors August 2009 – July 2012;
2016- 2019
Nziku, Z., L.J. Asheim, L.O. Eik, D. Mwaseba, G.C. Kifaro (2016). Climate change adaptation in vulnerable crop and livestock production systems in Mgeta, Tanzania. AJFAND, Vol. 16 (2).
Haug, R., J.P. Hella, S. Nchimbi-Msolla, D.L. Mwaseba, and G. Synnevag (2016). If technology is the answer, what does it take? Development in Practice, Vol. 26: 337-386
Martin, R. and D.L. Mwaseba (2015). Farmers’ perceptions of contract farming in Tanzania: A case study of Mtibwa out-grower scheme in Morogoro Region. Journal of Continuing Education and Extension (JCCE), Vol. 6(1): 789-805
Mattee, A.Z., K.R. Mussa, Dismas L. Mwaseba, C.P. Mahonge, and J.V. Nsenga (2015), Factors in smallholder farmers’ vulnerability to climate change impacts in the Uluguru Mountains, Morogoro, Tanzania, In: Rattan Lal, Bal Ram Singh, Dismas L. Mwaseba, David O. Kraybil, David O. Hansen, and Lars O. Eik (eds.), Sustainable Intensification to Advance Food Security and Enhance Climate Resilience. Springer: New York. 165-184
Mwaseba, Dis mas Lyegendili, Randi Kaarhus, Fred H. Johnsen, Amon Zacharia Mattee, Zebedayo Samwel Kayanda Mvena and Lars Olav Eik (2015), Empowering farmers? Collaborative research at Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania, Development in Practice, Vol. 25(3): 347-359
Martin, R., D. Mwaseba, and S.C. Haule (2013), Land acquisition and livelihoods in rural areas of Morogoro District of Tanzania: policy and practice. African Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 3(1): 56-62
Mvena, Z.S. K., A.Z. Mattee, R.M. Wambura, D.L. Mwaseba, E.A. Lazaro, D. Kilave and E.D. Kiranga. Farmer field schools as a springboard for enhanced uptake of new technologies: lessons for Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Vol. 12 No. 1, 43-51
Mwaseba, D. L., A.Z. Mattee, R. Kaarhus, E.A. Lazaro, Z.S.K. Mvena, R.M. Wambura, and E.D. Kiranga (2009), Perceptions and practices of farmer empowerment in Tanzania. Development in Practice, Vol. 19. No. 3: 403-413.
Mwaseba, D. L., R. Kaarhus, F.H. Johnsen, A.Z. Mattee, Z.S.K. Mvena (2007), Rice for food and income: assessing the impact of rice research on food security in Kyela and Kilombero Districts of Tanzania. Outlook on AGRICULTURE, Vol. 36, No. 4: 231-236.
Mwaseba, D. L., R. Kaarhus, F.H. Johnsen, Z.S.K. Mvena, and A.Z. Mattee (2006), Beyond adoption-rejection of agricultural innovations: empirical evidence from smallholder rice farmers in Tanzania. Outlook on AGRICULTURE, Vol. 35, No. 4: 263-272.
2.1.2 Books
Mwaseba, D. (2010), Impact of agricultural research: on-farm development effects of agricultural research in Southern and Eastern Zones of Tanzania. VDM Verlag Dr. Muller, ISBN: 978-3-639-20930-3
3 Consultancy experience
3.1 Socioeconomic Study on Livestock and Agriculture Development in Zanzibar (May –September 2015). Funded by International Atomic Energy Agency
The primary purpose of this study is to assess changes in the livestock and agriculture development that have occurred since the last socio-economic study in 2003 to get a measure of the impact of the tsetse eradication. Specific objectives of the study are to: (i) Summarise the status of livestock and agriculture development in 2014, highlighting indicative key parameters that show changes in livestock numbers, productivity and performance; quantifying and qualifying the changes that have occurred since 2003; (ii) Assess the development of the dairy sector on Unguja since the eradication of tsetse and compare to the potential development predicted in the socioeconomic study produced in 2003 by Mdoe; (iii) Assess the impact of constraints for the development of the dairy sector identified in the socioeconomic study produced in 2003 by Mdoe; (iv) Analyse the current market for dairy products on Unguja and assess the potential development of a local market for dairy products predicted in the socioeconomic study produced in 2003 by Mdoe taking into account the situation of the dairy sector in East Africa (v) Make an estimate of the impact of disease control on the dairy sector.
3.2 A Baseline Assessment of the European Union – Accompanying Measures Sugar
Protocol (2011 – 13) Countries in Project Areas of Kilombero, Mtibwa, Moshi and Kagera in Tanzania (January – April 2015): Funded by EU
The specific objectives were (i) to generate information on the baseline situation in the areas where Sugar Reform Accompanying Measures (SRAM) are going to be implemented to be able to assess at the end of the programme the impact of SRAM supported activities on households that have participated or have been exposed to SRAM -supported activities; (ii) to develop intermediate indicators and project purpose performance indicators that appear in the Programme logframes (SBT& STRIT); (iii) to determine knowledge, attitudes/ behavioural response of the target population (out-growers & stakeholders) on the relevance of the project and its planned activities; (iv) to determine the current percentage cost of production caused by poor infrastructure developments to outgrowers; (v) to determine the degree of managerial, financial, technical skills applied to out-growers’ schemes in running sugarcane business; (vi) to determine major constraints for sugarcane productivity to outgrowers; (vii) to design tools for monitoring and evaluation of the programme; (viii) To identify the role of training and research in promoting current sugarcane production and level of efficiency in utilising agricultural inputs
3.3 Assessing the Out-growers Scheme Model for Developing Smallholder Farmers in Tanzania: Case Studies of Sugar Cane and Rice Out-growers Schemes (May –July 2014): Funded by MVIWATA
The specific objectives were to (i) describe the practices and the system of out-growers scheme in the given examples; (ii) assess incentives, conditions and modalities for participation of smallholder farmers in out-growers schemes; (iii) assess services being offered to smallholder farmers and actual benefits (economic, monetary and social) emanating from those services; (iv) establish proportions/percentages of participating farmers versus non-participating farmers; (v) assess shares of smallholder farmers in production volumes and monetary values in the schemes; (vi) assess perceptions of smallholder farmers regarding the operation and performance of the schemes; (vii) assess the impact of this approach on the security of land for small scale farmers; (viii) make recommendations based on objective conclusions whether the out-growers scheme under the current arrangement is a suitable model to be scaled up for developing smallholder farmers’ population in Tanzania; and (i) prepare a policy brief based on findings and recommendations that will be shared with policy makers.
3.4 Review of research masterplan and extension vision for Zanzibar (May – July 2010): Funded by Agricultural Services Support Programme
The specific objectives of the assignment were to (i) review the Research MasterPlan and provide a strategic direction for national agricultural research; (ii) identify priority research objectives for short and medium terms; (iii) develop the Extension Vision that will ensure the full participation of the farmers and private sector, and the maintenance of a close link with technology development system; (iv) suggest appropriate approach for Agricultural planning and agribusiness including marketing for the vibrant farming; and (v) To evaluate and suggest best approach to incorporate Cross cutting issues – Gender, environment and HIV/AIDS
3.5 Assessment of the impact of PADEP (July 2009 – September 2010): Funded by the World Bank
The objectives of the impact study were (i) to assess the impact and benefits of project on food production, incomes and assets of beneficiaries as measured by the key indictors and performance criteria along the causal chain for its goal, outcomes, intermediate outcomes and outputs as outlined in the program’s Logical framework, as well as the impact of acquired skills; (ii) to identify important lessons from the implementation process of PADEP to help inform the implementation of the broader ASDP; and (iii) to assess whether outputs from PADEP funded interventions (both CADS and DCB) are cost effective and sustainable compared to conventional interventions.
3.6 Farmer perspectives on the usefulness of technologies introduced by on-farm research under TARP II-SUA Project (July – September 2008): Funded by NORAD
The objectives of the study, which was conducted in selected villages in the Southern Highlands and Eastern Zones were to establish evidence of the extent to which farmers still use the technologies that were introduced to them during the TARP II-SUA Project; identify the farmers’ reasons for adopting or rejecting the technologies; based on the farmers’ assessment, to suggest success factors for on-farm research.
3.7 Impact assessment of the quality declared seeds (QDS) producing farmers in Iringa, Morogoro and Iringa regions (June – July 2007): Funded by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Cooperatives
The main objective of the study was to measure the impact and sustainability of the QDS producing farmers in 10 districts of Iringa, Morogoro and Dodoma regions. The Specific objectives of the study were to: review in house data and collect data/information at district level on production from QDS producing farmers and users; assess the impact or achievement gained socially and economically; review/measure the activities implemented by Seed component in the 10 districts from 1998 to date; and assess the financial implications of crops/varieties (field and vegetables).
3.8 Evaluation of the community based health care and child survival programme (CBHC & CS) (May – July 2006): Funded by Plan International
The evaluation sought to assess the relevance (appropriateness), efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of the programme implemented in Mwanza, Dar, Coast and Morogoro Regions
3.9 Study of a proposed project on farming in tsetse infested areas in Mainland Tanzania (July-September 1997): Funded by EU
This work involved two main activities, namely the appraisal of the original proposal especially the critical review of the assumptions on which it was based. The second activity involved the development of a new proposal, which considered many issues including the following: methods amenable to community control, factors likely to determine community participation, relevant support infrastructure and management, and implementation structure.
3.10 Participatory community assessment in 20 villages of Bukoba, Muleba, and Biharamulo Districts, Kagera Region (November-December 1996): Funded by IFAD
This work had two objectives, viz. to get a deeper insight and an overview about community needs and constraints in Kagera Region and to encourage a dialogue between district officials and communities. The study set to obtain the perception of the communities on the following key issues: available resources, institutional capacities and needs, and constraints.
3.11 Coconut impact study (January – May, 1996): Funded by GTZ
The overall objective of this study was to determine the quantitative and qualitative impacts of the National Coconut Development Programme (NCDP) in coconut production and utilization at farm level. Specifically, the study sought to assess to what extent have coconut output, use of coconut products, income, among others, have improved in the country; study the marketing channels and their price differences for fresh coconut products; and examine the performance of the coconut processing industry
3.12 Pre-feasibility study on home gardening and fish farming for women of Mwamalasa village, Shinyanga Region (February-May, 1994): Funded by UNDP
This study, among others, sought to carry out a rapid assessment of water, land and socio-economic potential for garden irrigation and fish farming at the Mwamalasa village.
3.13 An evaluation of product stewardship programme in Bunda and Musoma Districts
(January-March, 1994): Funded by CIBA-GEIGY
This study was done to find out, among others, the extent to which farmers observe precautionary measures in the course of using pesticides following the implementation of the stewardship programme.