Research Partners

The Timber Rush Research Project is a collaborative undertaking involving Sokoine   University of Agriculture (SUA) in Tanzania and Danish Institute for   International Studies (DIIS), and University of Copenhagen (UoC) in Denmark.

David Mhando


David Gongwe Mhando, who holds a PhD (Area Studies) from Kyoto University, Japan, is an Associate Research Professor at the Collage of Social Sciences and Humanities, Sokoine University of Agriculture. Prof. Mhando has researched and published on rural livelihood, especial small holder’s coffee growers in Kilimanjaro, Ruvuma and Songwe regions. Among consultancies and researches he has conducted and published include: coffee value chain and warehouse receipt systems in Kilimanjaro and Ruvuma regions; cassava value chains in Coast region; feasibility study on introduction of Biogas technology in Mbinga and Mbozi Districts. Likewise, he has research and published on small holder’s dairy farmers in Njombe Region (value chains) and climate Change adaptation among small holders in Mbinga and Nyasa Districts in Ruvuma region, Tanzania. Prof. Mhando is also involved in research on orange and spices production and marketing in Tanga and Morogoro regions, respectively. Prof. Mhando’s teaching and research interests focus on value chain analysis, rural development and livelihood strategies, cooperatives and rural development, farmer’s institutions and group’s dynamics (formations and management). Currently, he is a National Coordinator of two JICA’s funded projects in Tanzania as well as a research team member of the Timber Rush project conducted in Sothern Highlands, funded by DANIDA.