Viva voce Presentation Mr. Justin E. Lusasi
04 February 2021
TIMBER FARMING DOMESTIC INVESTORS OF TREE PLANTING, LAND TRANSACTIONS AND IMPRESSIONS ON GENDER IN SOUTHERN HIGHLANDS, TANZANIA Following the urbanization growth, the regional demand for construction materials i.e. poles and timbers from Eucalyptus and Pinus tree species piled up, exceeding...
Use of fire as the tool for land clearing is still posing a great challenge to a number of tree growers in the Southern Highlands.
10 December 2020
A wind of change is still blowing in the Southern Highlands, whereas Avocado tree (Hass variety) planting is currently taking its pace along with trees like Pine and Eucalyptus species. In the foreground of the picture are trees of Avocado and in the background are Eucalyptus trees in Njombe T...

New trends in African forestry - Live streaming DIIS Event New trends in African forestry Timber Rush in Tanzania
11 November 2020
In spite of strong support from government and development partners tree planting on village land expanded slowly in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania from late 1970’s to the mid 2000’s. While forest cover has dramatically increased from 6 to 174 thousand hectare during the past decade. https://www...

Timber Rush – Private forestry on village land
11 November 2020
Timber Rush investigates the scale and drivers of the current investments in land and timber in Tanzania, testing the hypothesis that investments are first and foremost driven by domestic factors related to increased market demand for timber for industrial use, particularly construction, nationally...
A typology of domestic private land-based investors in Africa
10 September 2020
A new article, ‘A typology of domestic private land-based investors in Africa: Evidence from Tanzania’s timber rush', aims at improving our understanding of the diversity of domestic land-based investments during crop booms in Africa. It is based on empirical research into land transactions in Tanz...