- Name: Justus Vincent Nsenga (PhD)
- Sex: Male
- Country of birth:Tabora, Tanzania
- Address: Home: P.O. Box 3225, Morogoro.
Office: CSSH, P.O. Box 3035, Chuo Kikuu, Morogoro.
- Phone:Mobile: +255-754 287876 ; Office: +255-23-2604279
- E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Morogoro Tanzania:
2008-2013 PhD (Rural Development)
1998-2001 MSc. (Soil Science and Land Management)
1993-1997 BSc. (Agriculture General)
- 1.3.1Current Position: RESEARCH FELLOW:
Since July 2007 I have been working as the Research Fellow with Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Morogoro under the College of Social Science and Humanities. Responsible in teaching, researching, conducting consultancies and outreach programmes in rural areas.
- 1.3.2October 2016 to date: Participating in DANIDA funded Research Project (Timber Rush) undertaken in Southern Highlands of Tanzania.
- 1.3.3April 2013 to 2014: Assistant Project Coordinator of the EU funded project (Enhancing the climate change adaptation and mitigation capacities of the vulnerable communities of eco-villages in different ecosystems of the Uluguru Mountains).
- 1.3.4October 2011 to June 2016: Participated in EPINAV funded research project titled “Adapting Dryland Communities to Climate Change” implemented in Mwanga District, Kilimanjaro Region.
- 1.1Mattee, A.Z., Mussa, K.R., Mwaseba, A. Mahonge, C.P. and J.V. Nsenga (2014). Factors in Smallholder Farmers’ Vulnerability to Climate Change Impacts in the Uluguru Mountains, Morogoro, Tanzania. Sustainable Intensification to Advance Food Security and Enhance Climate Resilience in Africa. Rattan Lal, Bal Ram Singh, Dismas L. Mwaseba, David Kraybill, David O. Hansen, Lars Olav Eik (eds). Springer Cham Hidelberg New York. Pp 185-200
- 1.2Mtengeti, E.J., Maseki, N.M., Mahonge, C.P.I., Nsenga, J.V. (2013). Status quo of beekeeping in dryland area of Mwanga District as an entry point towards improved beekeeping intervention. International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences, 3 (12): 359-377
- 1.3Mattee, A.Z., Mahonge, C.P.I., Nsenga, J.V. and H. Kayeye (2013). Linking livelihood improvement and environmental conservation: Case of East Uluguru Mountains in Tanzania. International Journal of Environmental Science, Management and Engineering Research, 2 (3): 106-116
- 1.4Mahonge, C.P.I., Nsenga, J.V. and A.Z. Mattee (2010). Informal environmental awareness status as entry point for formal environmental education programmes: The case of East Uluguru Mpuntains, Tanzania. Journal of Continuing Education and Extension of Sokoine University of Agriculture, 3(2): 50-61
- 1.5Mattee, A.Z., Mahonge, C.P., Nsenga, J.V. and H. Kayeye (2010). Institutional and natural resources use dynamics and their implications on sustainable watershed management in the East Uluguru Mountains in Tanzania. Journal of African Affairs, Vol. 28 (8): 105-129. Institute of African Studies, Hankuk University of Foreign Affairs, Seoul, Korea
- 1.6Nsenga, J.V. and J.P. Mrema (2006). Effects of Duration of Contact and Rates of Minjingu Phosphate Rock (MPR) on its Dissolution in a Kanhaplic Haplustult. Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences 7 (1): 8-15.
- 1.7Sibuga, K. P. and J. V. Nsenga (2003). Effect of seed size on yield of two groundnut genotypes. Tropical Science Journal 43 (1): 22-27.
- 2.1Nsenga, J.V., Mahonge, C.P.I., Mtengeti, E.J., Rutatora, D.F., Tamura, K., Itani, J., Kanda, Y. and Araki, M. (2004). The SUA Method: The case study from Mbinga District, Ruvuma Region, Tanzania. In: D.F. Rutatora, A.J.P. Tarimo, A.Z. Mattee and E.J. Mtengeti (eds). Proceedings of the International Conference on Perspectives and Approaches to Sustainable Rural Development in Africa held in February 18-20, 2004 at the Institute of Continuing Education, SUA, Morogoro, Tanzania. Pp. 333-357.
- 4Nsenga, J.V., Mahonge, C.P; Mtengeti, E.J., Challe, J., Maseki, N.M., Kilave, D., Mhando, D.G., Sundstøl, F. (Paper submitted for publication to the EPINAV’s Writers Workshop Secretariat for Publication). Adapting dryland communities to climate change: Assessing the potential of selected soil-water management practices to smallholders in Mwanga District, Tanzania.
Date: April, 2017