Christopher Mahonge

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1. Official names

   Christopher Paul Mahonge


2. Contacts- Mobile, email address

+255-756433683; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


3. Short Professional Biography-  

Christopher Paul Mahonge is an Associate Research Professor in the Department of Policy Planning and Management, College of Social Sciences and Humanities at Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania. He is specialised on Governance of complex Social-Ecological Systems (e.g. fisheries, rangelands, crops farms, wetlands, forests). His research experience has focused on community-based natural resources management and livelihood improvements, linkages among the state, non-governmental and community actors and institutions, socio-economic implications of climate change, land use planning, and institutional analysis (government-based, organisation-based, and community-based formal and informal rules of the game and procedures including norms, policies and laws associated with governance of social-ecological systems), out-scaling and hybridization of institutions, and informal politics associating environmental conservation.