Hon. Mizengo Kayanza Peter Pinda


At the College of Social Sciences and Humanities (CSSH) pavilion, Hon. Pinda was thoroughly briefed on the Land Resources and Conflict Geodatabase (LaReCo), an innovative interactive web-based application developed on an open-source platform. LaReCo provides a visual representation of the spatial distribution of farmer-herder conflict magnitude, as well as pertinent environmental and socio-economic data pertaining to Kilosa and Mvomero Districts. During his visit, Hon. Pinda actively engaged with the project representative (Dr. Edwin Ngowi), asking questions and discussing the implications of LaReCo for improving understanding of land resource conflicts in the region. He gained valuable insights into how this tool can facilitate informed policy decisions and contribute to effective conflict resolution strategies. This initiative is a product of a research project funded by Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) through the SUARIS fund scheme, designed to tackle pressing issues related to land management, resource allocation, and conflict dynamics in Tanzania.




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