Despite the efforts by the government of Tanzania to resolve land use related conflicts, there appears to be a surge on land development prior to planning resulting in some forms of land use conflicts. This is true despite policy and legal arrangements already in place. Therefore, the research project seeks to bridge this gap by, among others, examining the extent of compliance with the existing land rules and procedures and the adequacy of the existing land governance structures, rules and procedures in order to inform policy and practice of land use.
Dr. Pius John Nyamhanga
It is a two years’ project (May 2022-April 2024)The Project has a maximum period of 2 years with possible extension upon satisfaction of specified conditions.
Project is funded by Sokoine University of Agriculture Research and Innovation Support (SUARIS)
Mvomero and Kilosa Districts Morogoro
Overall, the research project aims at examining the implications of land governance in the management of land use conflicts. This will be achieved through the following specific objectives:
Other project team members are Dr. Emmanuel Timothy Malisa, Dr. Rose Peter Kicheleri and Prof. Samwel Juma Kabote