Welcome to the Centre for Gender Studies website. This is the ultimate destination and hub for the gender based academic, research, debates and discussions. The Center for Gender Studies (CGS) was established in the prospective College of Social Sciences and Humanities (CSSH) following the university wide restructuring processes.
The center aims at creating an intellectual locus for gender focused research, teaching and academic debates related to gender equality. The center also organises and coordinates gender debates of both national and international interests as well as linking up with national and international gender affiliate people, institutions and organisations in order to strengthen the capacity of students and researchers to respond to the gender related challenges in development issues.
The centre, among other things is engaged in conducting; academic research in gender issues, short course training as well as offering non degree gender related courses (Certificate and Diploma) that will start in the near future.
Dr. Judith S. Kahamba (PhD)
The Coordinator CGS.