Undergraduate Programmes

Introduction to the degree

The development of rural sector is a major concern of Tanzania Government based on the fact that about 80 percent of the population lives in rural areas and 75 percent of the population is engaged in agriculture, which is the key enterprise of the rural economy. With this understanding the Tanzania government for many years has set several rural development initiatives to support economic growth, which are aimed at benefiting the majority of Tanzanians. Despite the substantial development initiatives targeted to support economic growth since independence; the rural sector still faces several challenges including poverty, ignorance and diseases. Also there are other experienced impediments to the realization of sustainable rural development. These include poor water supply, poor rural infrastructure, use of inappropriate technology in agriculture, inefficient legal and judicial systems, poor environmental management, gender imbalance, HIV/AIDS and elements of poor governance. In order to address these challenges, under the overall strategies for implementing the National Strategy for Growth and Poverty Reduction (NSGRP) / MKUKUTA, the Government acknowledges a need to have adequate numbers of extension staff and rural development specialists. It is also indicated in the National Rural Development Strategy that the current numbers of these experts in the country is insufficient to meet the growing demand. It was from this context the degree of Bachelor in Rural Development was established to fill this gap. 

8.1 Main purpose
The purpose of Bachelor of Rural Development degree is to train rural development specialists and practitioners who will be capable to find solutions of rural development challenges.

8.2. Specific Objectives
Specifically the programme intends to:

i.    Produce  highly qualified rural development specialists and practitioners who are competent in rural development
ii.    impart skills of socio- economic techniques to evaluate rural development interventions

iii.    build capacity to students in social science research techniques to facilitate informed decision
iv.    produce graduates  who are acquainted with knowledge on social, political and economic contexts of rural areas
v.    produce graduates with ability to mainstream gender issues in development interventions.
vi.    prepare graduates who are competent in analysing the impact of  international politics on the local economy