Population and Gender Studies Research Agenda

Background Information

High Population growth rate brought about by high fertility is a daunting challenge to sub- Saharan Africa in general and in Tanzania in particular. Slowing population growth and reducing fertility in Tanzania needs a comprehensive understanding of underlying causes of growth and its relationships to cultural drivers specific to the Tanzanian society. While population study is concerned with the population variables which are mortality, fertility and migration; understanding the relationship between population variables and their linkage with social, cultural, economic, political, biological, genetic, and geographical factors is crucial. Population study thus includes both qualitative and quantitative aspects of human population.
Population and gender issues are intrinsically linked to food security and development in general. Gender equality is acknowledged as being a key to achieving the other MDGs goals. Yet, discrimination against women and girls – including gender-based violence, economic discrimination, reproductive health inequities and harmful traditional practices – remains the most pervasive and persistent form of inequality. The broad and deeper understanding of how gender relations structure a society’s social institutions in ways affecting the definition and realisation of its population’s development goals needs analysis and examining gender-related obstacles and opportunities in a range of development contexts.
While progress in promoting gender equity has been made, further efforts to advance the status of women and other disadvantaged groups are needed if they too are to benefit from a demographic dividend. Helping women and couples achieve their desires for smaller families will enhance gender equity and provide multiple societal benefits, including fewer people in poverty, higher per capita income, and less pressure on Tanzania’s fragile natural resource environment. While focusing towards sustainable utilization environmental resources for development, gender aspects need to considered. This calls for more information on the major components of population change and their linkages to gender.

The goal is to document gender disaggregated social and demographic processes in view of better understanding of the issues which will lead to more effective measures for dealing with them