Nsenga, Justus Vincent

Professional biography

He is holding a PhD (Rural Development) pursued from Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Morogoro, Tanzania. He did his MSc. (Soil Science and Land Management), including a BSc. (Agriculture General) both from SUA. Dr. Justus is the Research Fellow employed by SUA (2003), responsible in undertaking research, teaching, consultancies and outreach programmes. His expertise is in the field of rural development and natural resources management, including gender related aspects. Has served in different research interventions focusing on climate change aspects (i.e. Adapting dryland communities to climate change; Enhancing the climate change adaptation and mitigation capacities of the vulnerable communities of eco-villages in different ecosystems in Uluguru Mountains; Gender analysis and mainstreaming; Developing and testing a rural development approach (SUA Method) which is cognizant of targeted people’s needs, interests and abilities towards attaining sustainable development interventions. He also participated in a collaborative research project, namely: Timber Rush Project (Private forestry on village land) that comprised of SUA, Danish Institute for International Studies – DIIS, and Copenhagen University, which was implemented in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania. The research project aimed at contributing to equitable distribution of benefits from private forest plantations on village land through evidence-based policy making. Above that he is currently taking part in executing SWAHAT project (Strategic Water Harvesting Technologies for Enhancing Resilience to Climate Change in Rural Communities in Semi-arid Areas of Tanzania) under the UN Adaptation Fund in collaboration with the National Environmental Management Council (NEMC), as an implementing entity. Nonetheless, Dr. Nsenga is also engaged in implementing SATREPS project (Developing and dissemination of innovative oil-extracting technology from crops process residues for rural electrification and value addition of by-products) – funded by the Government of Japan through JICA.

Academic qualification

•PhD –  (Rural Development) – Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro Tanzania
•MA – MSc.(Soil Science and Land Management)
•BA – BSc. (Agriculture General)

Research projects

Has served/serving in different research interventions as follows:
-Adapting dryland communities to climate change (EPINAV-NORAD funded Project) – Component Leader (Agronomy)
– Enhancing the climate change adaptation and mitigation capacities of the vulnerable communities of eco-villages in different ecosystems in Uluguru Mountains (EU Funded Project)- Assistant Project Coordinator
-Global Environmental Forum’s Project (Vanilla production and marketing in Uluguru Mountain) – Funded by Japanese Government. Served as a Research Team member.
-Developing and testing a rural development approach (SUA Method) SUA/ JICA Project- Assistant Researcher
-Timber Rush Project (Private forestry on village land) DANIDA Funded Project implemented by SUA, Danish Institute for International Studies – DIIS, and Copenhagen University. Being the member of the Research Team and led the impacts work group.
-SWAHAT project (Strategic Water Harvesting Technologies for Enhancing Resilience to Climate Change in Rural Communities in Semi-arid Areas of Tanzania) under the UN Adaptation Fund in collaboration with the National Environmental Management Council (NEMC), as an implementing entity. Working as the member of the Executing Team.
-SATREPS Project – Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (i.e. Developing and dissemination of innovative oil-extracting technology from crops process residues for rural electrification and value addition of by-products) – Component Leader (Bionergy Survey – Power demand analysis and resources mapping)
-Collaborative Education Project between SUA and Tokyo University of Agriculture- NODAI (Programme Coordinator)



2019: MTL Consulting Company Ltd- commissioned for undertaking soil assessment for the Nyamlilima Area Mining Project in Geita District (Land survey component leader)
2015-2017: Tanzania Tobacco Research Institute (TORITA)- Conducted Participatory Seed Varieties Selection with tobacco growers (Team Leader)
2010: Association of Tanzania Tobacco Growers (ATTT) – Provided consultancy services for soil mapping in tobacco growing regions in Tanzania (Team Leader).

Community work

2003 to date: Have participated to different exhibitions including Sokoine Memorial Weeks and Farmers’ Shows (Nane Nane) to share with different communities knowledge and skills that have been developed by SUA through different projects.

List of publications


Book chapters

Journal articles

Mahonge. C.P., Nsenga, J.V., Kurosaki, J. V., Itani, R. (2021). Resource Governance Using A Hybrid Institution in Momba District Tanzania: A Process Approach. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies, 13 (1), 152-175. doi:10.34109/ijsshs.202114007
Nsenga, J.V. and D.L. Mwaseba (2021). Intra-household gender relations and women participation in Non-Industrial Private Forestry in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania. International Forestry Review, 23 (1): 68-78
Mattee, A.Z., Mussa, K.R., Mwaseba, A. Mahonge, C.P. and J.V. Nsenga (2014). Factors in Smallholder Farmers’ Vulnerability to Climate Change Impacts in the Uluguru Mountains, Morogoro, Tanzania. Sustainable Intensification to Advance Food Security and Enhance Climate Resilience in Africa. Rattan Lal, Bal Ram Singh, Dismas L. Mwaseba, David Kraybill, David O. Hansen, Lars Olav Eik (eds). Springer Cham Hidelberg New York. Pp 185-200
Mtengeti, E.J., Maseki, N.M., Mahonge, C.P.I., Nsenga, J.V. (2013). Status quo of beekeeping in dryland area of Mwanga District as an entry point towards improved beekeeping intervention. International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences, 3 (12): 359-377
Mattee, A.Z., Mahonge, C.P.I., Nsenga, J.V. and H. Kayeye (2013). Linking livelihood improvement and environmental conservation: Case of East Uluguru Mountains in Tanzania. International Journal of Environmental Science, Management and Engineering Research, 2 (3): 106-116
Mahonge, C.P.I., Nsenga, J.V. and A.Z. Mattee (2010). Informal environmental awareness status as entry point for formal environmental education programmes: The case of East Uluguru Mpuntains, Tanzania. Journal of Continuing Education and Extension of Sokoine University of Agriculture, 3(2): 50-61
Mattee, A.Z., Mahonge, C.P., Nsenga, J.V. and H. Kayeye (2010). Institutional and natural resources use dynamics and their implications on sustainable watershed management in the East Uluguru Mountains in Tanzania. Journal of African Affairs, Vol. 28 (8): 105-129. Institute of African Studies, Hankuk University of Foreign Affairs, Seoul, Korea
Nsenga, J.V. and J.P. Mrema (2006). Effects of Duration of Contact and Rates of Minjingu Phosphate Rock (MPR) on its Dissolution in a Kanhaplic Haplustult. Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences 7 (1): 8-15.
Sibuga, K. P. and J. V. Nsenga (2003). Effect of seed size on yield of two groundnut genotypes. Tropical Science Journal 43 (1): 22-27.

Training/seminars/Conference proceedings


Nsenga, J.V., Mahonge, C.P.I., Mtengeti, E.J., Rutatora, D.F., Tamura, K., Itani, J., Kanda, Y. and Araki, M. (2004). The SUA Method: The case study from Mbinga District, Ruvuma Region, Tanzania. In: D.F. Rutatora, A.J.P. Tarimo, A.Z. Mattee and E.J. Mtengeti (eds). Proceedings of the International Conference on Perspectives and Approaches to Sustainable Rural Development in Africa held in February 18-20, 2004 at the Institute of Continuing Education, SUA, Morogoro, Tanzania. Pp. 333

Working papers

Research reports



College of Social Sciences and Humanities,
Sokoine University of Agriculture,
P.O. Box 3035, Chuo Kikuu,
Mobile: +255754287876
Emails: nsenga@sua.ac.tz