Jonathan Stephen Mbwambo

Professional biography

Dr. Jonathan Stephen Mbwambo is a Senior Lecturer at the College of Social Sciences and Humanities of Sokoine University of Agriculture. Dr. Mbwambo worked the Inter-University Council for East Africa as a Regional Coordinator for the East and Southern Africa Higher Education Centers of Excellence Project implemented by 8 countries in the region. Dr. Mbwambo was responsible for coordination and facilitation of 24 centers of excellence in higher education in East and Southern Africa. Before joining the project, Dr. Mbwambo worked as Assistant Director and a National Coordinator for the Education and Skills for Productive Jobs Project in the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of the United Republic of Tanzania. Dr. Mbwambo worked at Sokoine University of Agriculture and was promoted from an Assistant lecturer to Senior Lecturer at the then Development Studies Institute of Sokoine University of Agriculture. Dr. Mbwambo also worked as the Director of the Development Studies Institute and a Deputy Director in the same Institute. As an academic, Dr. Mbwambo has a Master of Science degree in Natural Resources Management and a PhD in Rural Development. Dr. Mbwambo has supervised more than 25 Masters and PhD students in areas related to poverty, climate change, food security and Agro-biodiversity. Dr. Mbwambo has published in both national and international Journals with a focus on natural resources management, food security, climate change, poverty and rural development. Dr. Mbwambo is married with 3 children

Academic qualification

•PhD (Rural Development) – Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro Tanzania
•International Doctoral Studies Program for Development Research – Centre for Development Research, University of Bonn, Germany
•Concepts and Theories of Development – Centre for Development Research, University of Bonn, Germany
•Ecology, Land Use and Development -Centre for Development Research, University of Bonn, Germany
•Advanced Training and Research in Biodiversity Conservation and Management- Ghent University, Belgium
•M. Sc. Management of Natural Resources and Sustainable Agriculture – Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA
•B. Sc. Horticulture Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA


Research projects

Project Coordinator – East and Southern Africa Higher Education Centers of Excellence Project (ACE II Project)


Community work

List of publications


Book chapters

Journal articles

1.Neema P. Kumburu , John Francis Kessy and J.S. Mbwambo (2019). Profitability of SIDO supported small-scale furniture industries against imported furniture in Dar es Salaam and Arusha regions, Tanzania. East African Journal of Social and Applied Sciences (EAJ-SAS) Vol.1, No.2. Pp 33-48.

2.Mbwambo J.S. (2019). Issues and Challenges for the Development of the Knowledge Economy in Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Education and Practice. Vol.10, No.17. Pp 42-48.

3.Samwel J. Kabote; Delphina P. Mamiro; Gry Synnevåg; Justin K. Urassa; Amon Z. Mattee; Emanuel E. Chingonikaya; Jonathan S. Mbwambo; Carolyne I. Nombo; Leah M. Masolwa (2014). Rain-Fed Farming System at a Crossroads in Semi-Arid Areas of Tanzania: What Roles do Climate Variability and Change Play? Journal of Environment and Earth Science Vol.4, No.16. PP 85-102.

4.Mbwambo, J.S. Parit, L.S. and Masawe, G.S. (2013). Food insecurity and reproductive health problems among rural women in Tanzania. A Journal of the Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy. Vol. 1 No.2. Pp 31-51.

5.Mbwambo, J.S., E.E. Chingonikaya (2013). Determinants of Higher Fertility Rates in Igunga District, Tanzania: Does women empowerment matters? International Journal on Research on Humanities and Social Sciences. Vol. 3 No. 9. Pp 50-59.

6.Okuli W. Swai, J.S. Mbwambo and Flavianus T. Magayane (2012). Gender and adaptation practices to the effect of climate change in Bahi and Kondoa Districts, Tanzania. International Journal of Sustainable Development; Vol. 5, No. 12. Pp 65 – 77.

7.Okuli W. Swai, J.S. Mbwambo and Flavianus T. Magayane (2012). Perceived Effects of Climate Change on Agricultural Production: A Gendered Analysis Done in Bahi and Kondoa Districts, Dodoma Region, Tanzania. International Journal on Research on Humanities and Social Sciences. Vol. 2 No. 9. Pp 59-68.

8.Okuli W. Swai, J.S. Mbwambo and Flavianus T. Magayane (2012). Gender and perception to climate change in Bahi and Kondoa districts, Dodoma Region, Tanzania. International Journal of African Studies and Development. Vol. 4 (9), pp 218-231.

9.Ruheza, S. Tryphone, G.H., Mbwambo, J.S., Khamis, Z.K, Swella, G and Mushobozy, D.K. (2012). Studies on the influence of tree tenure on the adoption of Agroforestry practices in Uluguru Mountains, Tanzania. International Research Journal of Agricultural Science and Soil Science. Vol. 2 (5), pp 170-178. May 2012.

10.Mbwambo, J.S.; Chingonikaya, E.E and Mwatawala, H.W (2011). The contribution of adopted agroforestry practices to poverty reduction among rural households of Musoma Rural District, Mara Region, Tanzania. Biannual Journal of the Institute of Rural Development Planning. Vol 13, Issue No. 1, December 2011.

11.Mbwambo, J.S; Mwakalobo A.B.S and Mwatawala, H.W (2011). The influence of women’s reproductive health problem on household food security among smallholder farmers in Mvomero and Morogoro Districts, Tanzania. Biannual Journal of the Institute of Rural Development Planning. Vol 13, Issue No. 2, December 2011.

12.Mbwambo, J.S., Mwatawala, H.W., and Mngale, A.S. (2011). Farmers coping strategies against climate change in Singida Diostrict Tanzania. Biannual Journal of the Institute of Rural Development Planning. Vol 13, Issue No. 1, December 2011. Pp 157-169

13.Kajembe, G.C., Mbwambo, J.S., Mwakalobo, A.B.S., Kimaro, D.N. and Njana, M.A. (2010). Potential of Indigenous Knowledge in Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation: Prospects and Challenges for Tanzania. ICE Journal. Vol. 3 No. 2. Pp 77-85.

14.Chingonikaya E.E., Kamile I.B.M; Mwakalobo, A.B.S, Sikira, A., Mbwambo, J.S. and Salanga, R.J. (2010). Gender-Based Decision Making in Agroforestry technologies Development among Smallholder Households at Imalinyi, Njombe District Tanzania. Local Government Development Journal, Vol. 1 No. 2 of 2010.

15.Mbwambo J.S and Mwageni E.A (2008). Agrobiodiversity and Food Security among Smallholder Farmers in Uluguru Mountains, Tanzania. Journal of African Affairs, Institute of African Studies, Seoul, Korea. Vol. 23. Pp 129-169.

16.Mbwambo, J.S, D.B. Mosha and F.A. Massawe (2008). Factors responsible for Maintenance of Agrobiodiversity against High Yielding Varieties in Uluguru Mountains, Tanzania. Journal of Continuing Education and Extension. Vol. 3 No. 1. Pp 63-74.

17.Mwakalobo, A.B.S, Mbwambo, J.S. and Chingonikaya, E.E (2008). Pathways out of and into Poverty in HIV/AIDS Ravaged Areas in Rural Tanzania. A case of selected villages in Rungwe District, Tanzania. Journal of African Affairs, Institute of African Studies, Seoul, Korea. Vol. 23. Pp 197-222.

18.Mbwambo J.S, L.W.M. Matata and J.G. Lyimo-Macha (2007). The assessment of gender relations among small scale Tobacco Producers in Urambo District, Tabora Tanzania. Journal of the Korean Association of Africa Studies. Vol. 26. pp 249-276.

19.Chingonikaya, E.E, Mbwambo, J.S. and Katani, J.Z. (2007). Interface of Agroforstry and Poverty Reduction in Magu district, Mwanza Region Tanzania. Journal of the Tanzania Association of Foresters. Vol. 11. Pp 96-107.

20.Mbwambo J.S. and Chingonikaya E.E (2005). Adoption of Agroforestry practices and their contribution to poverty reduction in lake Victoria zone, Tanzania. Biannual Journal of the Institute of Rural Development Planning, Dodoma Tanzania.Vol VII, No 1, pp 38-58.

21.Mbwambo J.S. Mwageni E.A and Urassa J.K. (2005). Factors influencing food security among smallholder farmers in Uluguru Mountains, Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Development Studies. Vol. 6 (2). Pp 23-38.

22.Mbwambo J.S. and Mwageni E.A (2006). The contribution of traditional and less known crops to household food security. A case study of smallholder farmers in Uluguru Mountains, Tanzania Uongozi Journal of Management and Development Dynamics, Mzumbe University, Morogoro Tanzania. Vol. 18/2. Pp 64-83.

23.Mbwambo J.S. and Innocent J.E. Zilihona (2005). Farming systems and policy options for food security in Uluguru Mountains, Tanzania. Biannual Journal of the Institute of Rural Development Planning, Dodoma Tanzania.Vol VII, No 2, pp 25-36.

24.John K. Mduma, Jumanne M. Moshi, Kolola Gervas and Mbwambo J.S. (2005). The increase in female-headed households in semi-arid areas of Tanzania; What factors were forgotten? Uongozi Journal of Management and Development Dynamics, Mzumbe University, Morogoro Tanzania. Vol. 17 (2). Pp 1-25.

25.Chingonikaya E.E Justina Maganga and Mbwambo J.S. (2004). Study of gender based resource ownership and its influence on utilization: A case of rural households in Meatu-Shinyanga. Biannual Journal of the Institute of Rural Development Planning, Dodoma Tanzania.Vol VI, No 2, pp 53 – 67.

26.Mbwambo, J.S.; Madalla, N. Mnembuka, B; Lamtane, H.A. and Mwandya, A.W (2012). Climate change impacts and adaptation among coastal and Mangrove dependent communities: A case of Bagamoyo District, Tanzania. Paper presented at the First CCIAM Scientific Conference. 2nd – 3rd February, 2012. Blue Pearl Hotel, Dar-es-salaam Tanzania.

27.Mbwambo, J.S., Mwageni E.A., Chingonikaya, E.E and Mwakalobo, A.B.S.M (2007). Population dynamics and land use changes in Tanzania. Lessons for agricultural growth and land degradation in Tanzania. Paper presented at the Fifth African Population Conference. Held on 10-14 December, 2007 at the Arusha Conference Centre, Arusha Tanzania.

28.Mbwambo, J.S., Matata L.W.M and lyimo-Macha, J.G. (2007). Gender Relations among small-scale tobacco producers in Urambo District, Tabora Tanzania. Paper presented at the Fifth African Population Conference. Held on 10-14 December, 2007 at the Arusha Conference Centre, Arusha Tanzania.

29.Mbwambo J.S. and Chingonikaya E.E (2004) Adoption of Agroforestry practices and their contribution to poverty reduction among rural households: A case study of to maize and woody biomass yields and income in Musoma Rural District, Mara Region Tanzania. Proceedings of the Second Worldwide Symposium on Gender and Forestry. Held on 1-10 August, 2004 at the Collage of African Wildlife Management Mweka, Kilimanjaro Tanzania.30. Mbwambo, J. S. (2001), The Role of Increased Mining Conflicts on Environmental Destruction: A Case Study of Small Scale Mining in Tanzania, Economic and Social Research Foundation working papers, 6 p.

31.Mbwambo, J.S. (2001), “Implications of the Mineral Development to Tanzania Economy”, Economic and Social Research Foundation working papers, 6 p.

32.Kajembe, G.C and Mbwambo J.S (2000) The role of Local Institutions in Biodiversity Conservation: A case Study of Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania. In: Shemweta, D.T.K and Ngaga Y.M (eds). Proceeding of the Workshop on “Operationalization of National Forest policy: Challenges and Opportunities. Pp 48-56.

Training/seminars/Conference proceedings

•Leadership and Management Essentials – Solution Africa
•Project Management, Monitoring and Control – Setym International, Montreal, Canada
•Advanced Leadership and Management Skills – Global Management Institute, Swaziland and Management Development Division, Kampala Uganda
•Leadership Skills for University Leaders – AAU/RUFORUM, Uganda
•Proposal Writing for International Research Projects – II – University of Bonn, Germany and Makerere University, Uganda
•Proposal Writing for International Research Projects – I – University of Bonn, Germany and Makerere University, Uganda
•Natural Resources Management Research Approaches and Methods – International Institute for GEO-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC)
•Gender Sensitive Approaches to Research and Extension on Local Knowledge in Agrobiodiversity Management for Food Security – FAO/ LinKS, Kibaha, Tanzania
•Rural Poverty Reduction through Food Security and Agricultural Growth – The World Bank Institute and The Global Development Centre, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Working papers

Research reports

Preliminary findings of the research component of Kilimo na Masoko – Farming for the Market project


Senior Lecturers

Project Coordinator (ACE II) – Inter-University Council of East Africa – July 2018 to 2022

Job summary
As a Project Coordinator, my overall responsibility is to oversee the project and ensure that the project is properly managed and coordinated for successful preparation and implementation in accordance with the objectives and Terms of Reference of the Regional Facilitation Unit. My other responsibility is to provide strategic leadership in coordinating the preparation and implementation of ACE II activities and resources management and work as a focal point for stakeholders (the governments of the participating countries, the World Bank, interested institutions, media etc.).

Key Duties and Responsibilities:
• Facilitate and coordinate the production of quality outputs undertaken and financed under ACEs, and for proper management of accountability and reporting of the project funds;
• O and implement the implementation plans of the project;
• Steer the facilitation coordination, communication and information dissemination including advertising in regional and national print and electronic media, information on the ACE II project;
• Represent IUCEA/project in various forum as authorized by the Executive Secretary;
• Coordinate and manage processes for the call for proposals and selection;
• Coordinate and facilitate the convening of the Regional Steering Committee;
• Undertake financial and procurement functions related to the project;
• Facilitate and coordinate capacity building programs of the project;
• Oversee all recurrent and operational activities that are required to effectively facilitate the preparation and operation of the ACE II project;
• Facilitate and support knowledge management, sharing and networking between the ACEs and partner institutions;
• Organize meetings with national and regional higher education agencies linked to ACE II project;
• Manage Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) functions including design of the ACE II project’s M&E system;
• Prepare and submits periodic project reports to the Project Steering Team (PST) in accordance with the ACE II project M&E system, for submission to Regional Steering Committee and the World Bank;
• Coordinate and support ACEs individual report consolidation and updating;
• Facilitate and coordinate external audit processes; and
• Develops and operationalizes the project operational manual.

Assistant Director – Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, United Republic of Tanzania – (2012-2018)

• Oversee and promote the development of higher education institutions in the United Republic of Tanzania;
• Overseeing strategic development, implementation of the national qualifications framework activities and carrying out monitoring and evaluation processes;
• Overseeing the development of national policies for operationalization of the National Qualifications Framework;
• Mobilizing resources for quality assurance and qualifications framework activities;
• Domestication of the international developments in quality assurance and qualifications framework relevant to higher education institutions and the Tanzania Commission for Universities and related institutions of higher learning;
• Participation in the dialogue and advocacy forums on harmonization of higher education systems in the East African Community and beyond;
• Promoting higher education teaching and learning reforms in order to enhance relevance and employability of university graduates;
• Developing and implementing national higher education development projects related to the development of infrastructure and quality assurance and qualifications systems;
• Provide technical support in the implementation of the East African Community agenda at the Sectoral Council on Education, Science and Technology, Culture and Sports;
• Initiate and design the establishment of new higher education institutions taking into account the knowledge and skills needs in the country;
• Prepare, analyze and upload data to the ESMIS and Open Government Partnership portal related to the Section in accordance with the agreed work flow and protocol;
• Promote and advocate for access, quality and equity in higher education and at affordable cost;
• Coordinate Union matters on higher education;
• Solicit, promote, strengthen and facilitate broader availability of local and overseas scholarships, loans and grants to higher education students and staff;
• Support and facilitate the growth of meaningful students and staff welfare in higher education institutions;
• Oversee and promote the welfare of Tanzania students abroad in liaison with Ministries responsible for Foreign and International Affairs;
• Maintain and up-date a Register of foreign and regional scholarships and sponsorships;
• Conduct tracer studies, prepare and up-date reports on the employability of graduates as well as skills sets and advise regulatory and professional bodies accordingly;
• Advise on criteria, guidelines and procedures for higher education scholarships, grants and loans; Facilitate acquisition of resident permits for foreign lecturers, students and volunteers; and Prepare and submit periodic as required from time to time.

National Coordinator – Education and Skills for Productive Jobs Project (ESPJ) (2015-2018)


• Lead in the overall delivery of the Project Development Objectives and associated Disbursement Linked Indicators, Project Operations Manual and the Financial Agreement between the World Bank and the United Republic of Tanzania;
• Coordinate the implementation of the Skills Development Fund and Trainee Voucher Scheme established under the project and operationalized by the Tanzania Education Authority and the Higher Education Students Loans Board, respectively;
• Prepare and manage the Project Annual Work and Procurement Plans and report the same to the Government and other stakeholders including the World Bank;
• Liaise with the Tanzania Private Sector Foundation to ensure effective involvement and incorporation of the private sector voice in the design and delivery of skills development programs;
• Prepare project performance reports to the satisfaction of the Internal Auditor General for both financial and performance audit;
• Carry out the overall management of project finance and procurement consultancy services and goods;
• Support the overall monitoring and evaluation of project performance;
• Tracking implementation of project capacity building plan; Reporting project performance on behalf of the government;
• Arrange periodic meetings and stakeholder consultations involving the Tanzania Commission for Universities, Higher and Technical Education skills providers, regulatory authorities and the Tanzania Private Sector Foundation; and
• Represent the government in various fora including meetings, conferences and workshops at regional and international levels.

Director of the Development Studies Institute, Sokoine University of Agriculture (July, 2011 – July, 2012)


• Oversee the overall administration of the Development Studies Institute;
• Custodian of both undergraduate and postgraduate studies at the Institute;
• Consulting on development related issues for clients in Tanzania and abroad;
• Implementing cooperative projects with other institutes and the University;
• Participating in the graduate and postgraduate training on various areas of development studies;
• Organizing seminars and conferences related to development field;
• Organizing student exchange between Tanzania and abroad; and
• Conducting short-term training courses on strategic and emerging issues.

Deputy Director of the Development Studies Institute, Sokoine University of Agriculture (June, 2006 – July, 2011)

• Oversee the overall administration of the Development Studies Institute;
• Custodian of both undergraduate and postgraduate studies at the Institute;
• Maintenance of students records and examination;
• Consulting on development related issues for clients in Tanzania and abroad;
• Implementing cooperative projects with other institutes and the University;
• Participating in the graduate and postgraduate training on various areas of development studies;
• Organizing seminars and conferences related to development field;
• Organizing student exchange between Tanzania and abroad; and
• Conducting short-term training courses on strategic and emerging issues.


Department of Development and Strategic Studies
P.O Box 3024
Chuo Kikuu,
Morogoro, Tanzania
Twitter: @jsmbwambo
Mobile: +255 784 410 599