Raymond John Salanga is a Lecturer and Head of Department of Development and Strategic Studies (DDSS) within the College of Social Sciences and Humanities (CSSH) at the Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA). He obtained an MSc in Dryland Biodiversity in 2004 from the University of Addis Ababa (AAU) and PhD in Rural Development in 2017 from SUA. He received his BSc in Horticulture from SUA in 2000. His teaching areas include Agriculture and Rural Development, Management of natural resources, Environmental Management, Cooperatives and Rural Development, Environmental Impact Assessment, Rural-urban Linkages and Democracy and Governance. His research interests include Climate Change and Variability related studies, Environmental impact assessments, participatory approaches for extension, formulation and evaluation of rural development projects, development of sectoral policies, strategies and programmes, and development of training materials and facilitation of capacity-building of change agents. Dr. Salanga is currently serving as Head of Development and Strategic Studies (DDSS) since 2019 at the Sokoine University of Agriculture.
2. Investigator/member in the Kilimo na Masoko – Farming for the Market Project (2021-2023): A Joint Pilot Project between SUA, ADRA Tanzania, RECODA and ADRA Denmark
1.Ringo, D.E., Malisa, E.T, Kayunze, K. A. and Salanga, R.J. (2023). Associating the RIPAT Approach with Ecological Agriculture, Food Security abd Poverty Reduction: A case of RIPAT-SUA Project, Morogoro, Tanzania. In: J.K.Urassa, A.Z.Mattee, E.T.Malisa, D.E.Ringo, and J.N.Ng’ang’a (Eds). Rural Initiative for Participatory Agricultural Transformation (RIPAT) and Rural Development. SUA & RECODA Joint Publications, Mkuki na Nyota Publishers, Dar es Salaam.
2.Chingonikaya E.E., Salehe F., Salanga R.J and Mangi H. (2022). Effects of Improved Fallows of Leguminous Shrubs on Soil Fertility and Maize Yield at Gairo, Morogoro, Tanzania.(Edited by Anay Kumar Rawat and Uttam Kumar Tripathi) in book of Advances in Agronomy, Vol. 16, AkiNik Publications, India. pp 1-23.
Journal Articles
2.Mshingo, D., Muhanga, M., Ngowi, E and Salanga, R. J. (2023). “Determinants of Primary School Teachers’ Health Literacy in Selected Primary Schools in Morogoro Municipality, Tanzania” which is submitted to the “Advances in Public Health”.
3.Ntawuruhunga, D., Ngowi, E. E., Mangi, H. O., Salanga, R. J., & Shikuku, K. M. (2023). Geospatial characterization of climate – smart agroforestry in two contrasting physiographic zones of Rwanda.
4.Ntawuruhunga, D., Ngowi, E. E., Mangi, H. O., Salanga, R. J., & Shikuku, K. M. (2023). Climate – smart agroforestry systems and practices: A systematic review of what works, what doesn’t work, and why, Forest Policy and Economics, Volume 150,
5.Sikira, A.N, Mwageni, E.A, and Salanga, R.J. (2010). Attitude of women towards gender based violence in Serengeti District, Tanzania. Journal of the Institute of Continuing Education, Vol.3 No. 2.
6.Chingonikaya, E.E, Mwakalobo, A.B.S, Sikira A, Mbwambo, J.S. and Salanga, R.J. (2008). Analysis of Gender-Based decision making in Agroforestry Technologies Development among among smallholder households at Imalinyi, Njombe, Iringa. Tanzania Journal of Development Studies. Vol. 8 no. 2.
Other publications available at:
1.Training on Rural Development for Tanzanian Officials: Strategy and Methodology, 16th Oct-5th November, 2008. Organized by Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) at Korea Rural Economic Institute (KREI), Seoul, KOREA.
2.October 8-19, 2007- A training in Social Science Research Methodology offered by the Research Methodology Training Institute of the Organization for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
3.May 7-12, 2007- IFS/VLIR/SUA Workshop on Project Proposal Conceptualization and Formulation, held at Sokoine University of Agriculture.
4.April17-20, 2007 – A short course on Survey Research Methods and Use of SPSS for Socio-Economic Analysis, held at Sokoine University of Agriculture.
1. Acting Prsident: Executive Committee of Convocation (ECC) of Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA): April, 2023 – to date
2. Vice President: Executive Committee of Convocation (ECC) of Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA): November 2018 – to date
2. University Examinations Coordinator: 2010 – 2022
3. Vice-Chairman: Graduation Ceremony Committee (GCC) of Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA): September 2010 – to 2022
Department of Development and Strategic Studies,
College of Social Sciences and Humanities,
Sokoine University of Agriculture,
P.O. Box 3024, Morogoro, Tanzania.
Mobile: +255 688 3303810 and +255 715 934690