Dr. Mikidadi I. Muhanga

Professional Biography

Mikidadi Idd Muhanga (Ph.D.) is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Development and Strategic Studies, College of Social Sciences and Humanities, Sokoine University of Agriculture in Morogoro, Tanzania. He holds a Ph.D. in Demography and Population Studies with a focus on One Health Approach from the University of Zambia. Mikidadi has a Masters in Rural Development from the Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro Tanzania. He also graduated from the University of Dar Es Salaam with a BA (Hons) in Political Science and Public Administration. He has attended to Doctoral Course in Development Studies and Development Theory and Policy course at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (the then Universitetet for Miljø- og Biovitenskap -UMB) in Ås, Norway between August –Dec 2007. Mikidadi is currently an Associate Chief Editor of the sub-Saharan Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (SSJSSH), hosted by the College of Social Sciences and Humanities at the Sokoine University of Agriculture. 

Mikidadi possesses a diverse academic background which enables him to navigate through innumerable research areas and disciplines with a focus on human aspects and well-being. His areas of Specialization & research interests include: Health resources governance and management, Public Health,   Political Demography,   socio-politiconomics of urban and rural life,  One Health Approach , Health Literacy and Health Behaviour. Mikidadi has served as a researcher and consultant in various research teams and projects. His current research agendum focuses  mostly on SDG 3 which is on good health and well-being. Mikidadi is currently  researching  on: “Health Literacy and Health Behaviour in the Context of One Health Approach.” View Scientist Rankings under AD Scientific Index 2023 for Mikidadi

Academic qualification

PhD research topic: Health Literacy and Health Behaviour in the Context of One Health Approach in Morogoro, Tanzania: Perceptions, Attitudes, Connections, and Realities

Masters research topic:  Investigation into outsourcing towards efficiency improvement, span of control and operational costs reduction in Public Universities in Morogoro region”, M.A. Rural development Research Project, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Development Studies Institute, August 2006-August 2007.

Research projects

  • Principal investigator on the research on Investigation into outsourcing towards efficiency improvement, span of control and operational costs reduction in Public Universities in Morogoro region”, M.A. Rural development Research Project, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Development Studies Institute, August 2006-August 2007.
  • Researcher on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Corruption and Human Rights violations among the oil extracting multinational enterprises/ companies (MNEs/ MNCs): some reflections in least developing countries”-EDS 205 Development Theory and Policy course Special project, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, October –November 2007.
  • Researcher on an Assessment of the Informal Sector and the Local Authorities’ Policy Responses in Selected Wards in Morogoro Municipality, October 2008- Jan 2009.
  • Principal Researcher for the Research on What Do People Vote for: Party Politics or Political Parties? 2009-2010.
  • Research Assistant for Research on Baseline Survey on HIV/AIDS status for Sokoine University of Agriculture and the surrounding community, funded by TACAIDS coordinated by the SUA Health Services Department and Development Studies Institute, Feb 2010.
  • Research Assistant for Research Impact Assessment Team (RIAT) for the PANTIL Projects (023) Terminal Evaluation at Soga, Mkalambati and Boko Mnyemela March 20-22, 2010.
  • Principal Researcher for the Research on Media and Election in Tanzania: The Case of Print Media during the 2010 General Elections in Tanzania: September 2010-Jan 2011.
  • Principal Researcher for the Research on Gender and Voting Decisions during the 2010 General Elections in Tanzania September 2010-Jan 2011 conducted at Morogoro Municipality.
  • Principal Researcher for the Research on Muslims and Politics of Voting in 2010 General Elections in Tanzania, Jan 2010-Jan 2011, conducted at the Ilala Municipality in Dar Es Salaam.
  • Team Member, Public Integrity Restoration Initiative (PIRI) Project, supported by the Ethics Commission of the United Republic of Tanzania
  • Assistant Researcher for the Research on Renewable Energy and Technology at Rombo and Machame Districts in Kilimanjaro region, Feb 16th-28th, 2012, research funded by REPOA.
  • Assistant Researcher for the Research on Assessing Land Access, Livelihood strategies and Household well-being in densely populated areas of Tanzania, conducted at Nyandira Ward, Mvomero District, Morogoro, March-April, 2012 – research funded by REPOA.
  • Researcher on a Gendered analysis of climate variability and change impacts and adaptations in semi-arid area farming systems and natural resources management, Kidaru ward, Kiomboi-Iramba District, May11-19, 2012. EPINAV Funded project.
  • Researcher on a Gendered analysis of climate variability and change impacts and adaptations in semi-arid area farming systems and natural resources management, Mwamalole ward, Mwamanimba village, Meatu District, June 24th -1st July, 2012. EPINAV Funded project.
  • Principal Researcher for the Research on Health Literacy and Health Behaviours in the Context of One Health Approach in Tanzania: Connections, Realities, Attitudes and Perception (2014-2019). Department of Population Studies, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, The University of Zambia.
  • Research Team member: Effectiveness of Public Private Partnership in Health Systems towards Universal Health Coverage in Kilimanjaro region, Tanzania.
  • Research Team member: Effectiveness of Health Facility Governing Committees in Implementing Direct Health Facility Financing in Primary Health Care in Tanzania.

Team member to a consultancy on Socio-Economic Impact Assessment, Client: Private Agricultural Sector Support (PASS), 7th June 2010- 9th Aug 2010.

Leader, Baseline Survey Data Entry and Analysis for 15 EPINAV Projects funded by the Norwegian Government, May-August 2012, Appointed by the Monitoring and Evaluation Component Coordinator of the EPINAV Project-Directorate of Research and Postgraduate Studies, Sokoine University of Agriculture.


Community work

  • Involved in Training of health facility managers in Direct Health Facility Financing in Tukuyu and Kyela districts in Mbeya region under the arrangement of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Mbeya Hospital, Tanzania, 2021
  • Facilitated training on Good Governance to the Tanga City Councilors, 2021

List of publications


Book chapters

  • Muhanga, M.I. (2012) The Mining Sector Reforms in the Context of Fifty years of independence in Tanzania: (A book Chapter) In a book titled “A Review of 50 Years of Tanzania (Mainland) Independence”: An Analysis of Some Key Development Issues” (Urassa , J,K -ed). Lambert Academic Publishing, German. ISBN-13:978-3-659-21059-4 ISBN-10:3659210595 EAN: 9783659210594.

Journal Articles 

Other publications available at:



Training/seminars/Conference proceedings

Training and Seminars

Research School in Development Studies at Biotechnology Building, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB). Jointly organized by the Department of International Environment and Development Studies/NORAGRIC and Department of Geography and International Development Studies (RUC-Denmark), 11th -12th December 2007, Ås, Norway.

Training on Writing winning grant project proposals ,  22nd to 25th September, 2020 at Green Park Hotel, Bagamoyo, Pwani. Organised by CYSTINET-Project 

Advanced Grant Writing Workshop, 26th June to 1st July 2022 at Seascape Hotel in Dar es Salaam. Organised by by CYSTINET -Africa. 


  • Norwegian Oil Resources and Third World Development’ STATOIL-Norway and Nigeria’s development, 16th October 2007 at Tor Larsen Loftet, Tivoli 3rd floor, NORAGRIC, Ås, Norway.
  • NORAD Poverty Conference (Fattigdoms Konferansen 2007), October 17, 2007, Oslo, Norway.
  • Coca Cola –the other truth, unthinkable ,undrinkable , organized by ATTAC –Norge , Natur og ūngdom and Naturvern Forbūndet18th October 2007 ,Clock Building ,U218, Ås , Norway.
  • Social Movements, Land and justice in Brazil and Bolivia: A seminar organized by Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais sem Terra (MST), Red Tinku, CEADL and Latin America Group (Norway), 26th October 2007, Parkengarden, NORAGRIC, Ås, Norway.
  • 2007 Nobel Peace Prize award handing ceremonies to Al Gore (and United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change-IPCC-, a body of some 2,500 climate scientists from around the globe) on climate changes awareness, Oslo City Hall, 10th December 2007.
  • Gender Sensitization workshop for Sokoine University staff organized by SUA Gender Policy Implementation Committee, 25th July 2008, AMABILIS Centre, Morogoro.
  • University Teaching and Learning Improvement Training organized by University Teaching and Learning Improvement Program (UTLIP), Institute of Continuing Education, SUA , Morogoro ,1st –3rd December 2008.
  • Participatory Research Methods Training organized REPOA at Kibaha Conference Centre, Nov-Dec 2009.
  • Gender Sensitization workshop for Sokoine University Academic staff organized by SUA Gender Policy Implementation Committee, 5th March 2010, Hilux Hotel, Morogoro.
  • PANTIL Writers Workshop, Blue Pearl Hotel, 8th -12th March 2010 organized by the Program for Agricultural and Natural Resources Transformation for Improved Livelihood (PANTIL)., Ubungo Plaza, Dar Es Salaam
  • Research Impact Assessment Team (RIAT) Training for Enumerators for the Terminal Evaluation of PANTIL PROJECTS, ICE –SUA, 10TH FEBRUARY 2010.
  • PROJECT INCEPTION WORKSHOP (EPINAV Funded Project) on A Gendered analysis of climatevariability and change impacts and adaptations in semi arid area farming systems and natural resources management IRAMBA D.C’s OFFICE, KIOMBOI-14th MAY 2012 AT 11.30 HRS.
  • PROJECT INCEPTION WORKSHOP (EPINAV Funded Project) on A Gendered analysis of climate variability and change impacts and adaptations in semi-arid area farming systems and natural resources management at MEATU D.C’s OFFICE, MEATU-SIMIWI- June 24th 2012 AT 10.30
  • Training of Trainers Training (TOT) on Policy Advocacy Process for Private Sector Development , 13th -16th July, 2012 at Top Life Hotel –Morogoro, training organized by University of Dar Es Salaam Entrepreneurship Center ( University of Dar Es Salaam Business School) under the
    support of Business Environment Strengthening in Tanzania (BEST-AC).
  • Short Course on Social Science Research Methods, Institute of Continuing Education (ICE) SUA Conference Hall, August 6th -9th, 2012, organized by i-AGRI under the support of USAID.
  • Introductory Seminar and Field Visits on/for Rural Initiatives for Participatory Agricultural Transformation (RIPAT) projects , Rotterdam Hotel, USA-River, Karangai, Kigwe and Engorai villages, 15th February 2013, organized by Research , Community and Organizational Development Associates (RECODA)
  • Press Meeting and Seminar on new approach to rural transformation: Launching a Manual for practitioners and an evaluation of the achievements of RIPAT, 09.00 hrs, 11th March 2013, Serena Hotel, Dar Es Salaam. Organized by Rockwool Foundation, Embassy of Denmark, DANIDA and Research , Community and Organizational Development Associates (RECODA)
  • Scientific Communication workshop, 14th to 18th March 2016, Morogoro Hotel, Morogoro-Tanzania organized by Building Stronger Universities under DANIDA.
  • 1st SUA Scientific Conference. Transforming Agriculture and Natural Resources for Sustainable Development to Attain Industrial Economy in Tanzania, April, 10th -11th, 2019, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro-Tanzania.
  • 3rd OHCEA International One Health Conference: Harnessing One Health for Global Health Security, 24th -26th July, 2019, Imperial Royale Hotel, Kampala, Uganda.


EU supported Intra-ACP Academic Mobility Scheme, Phd scholarship to University of Zambia, 2014-2018.

Norwegian government supported Young Professionals Exchange programme, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, UMB, August –Dec 2007


Department of Development and Strategic Studies,
College of Social Sciences and Humanities,
Sokoine University of Agriculture,
P.O. Box 3024, Morogoro, Tanzania.
Mobile: +255 754 292528 and +255 621 455 499
E-mail: mikidadi@sua.ac.tz and mikid.muhanga@gmail.com