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Mr Solomon Mhango present, implications of adoption of Paddy Production  innovation on Geder roles in Mvomero District, Tanzania
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Mr. Laizer Obed L., ( BRD third year  student), presenting his research project titled An Assement of Drought and its implications for livelihood . A case of Kongwa District in Dodoma
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Ms. Murondoro, Rebecca (a third year BRD student)  presenting her research project proposal titled An assessment of beach management units’ (BMUs) performance in Managing Fisheries Resources in Luchele ward , Mwanza Region.  
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  Common Wealth Scholarship for 2017 applicants Chinese Government Scholarship Application 2016/2017. Apply before the deadline. New Zealand Commonwealth scholarships 2016 for postgraduate study ( Master and PhD) in New Zealand Universities (Full funded).
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