

First Year Students of Bachelor Rural Development and Bachelor Development Planning and Management Total 54, had the opportunity to visit the National park at Bagamoyo Kaole at the Historical Museum and learn a variety of things related to the subjects they are studying for example RD110. The ancients in history were able to do good things and get...
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rural development degreee
Study visit to Mkuyuni Village in Mvomero District by 54 SUA students doing BSc. Human Nutrition and BSc. Family and Consumer Studies. The aim of the visit was to carry an evaluation of the RIPAT-SUA project, which was being implemented jointly by SUA and RECODA under the SUA-RECODA MoU. At SUA, the MoU is hosted...
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Dr.Dominick Ringo
Personality Traits of hihg-Performing Lead Farmers in farmer to Farmer Extension: Acase of the Rural Initiatives for Participatory Agricultural Transformaton approch, Tanzania by Dominick E. Ringo  
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Famers day in the field
Mradi wa RIPAT-SUA, ambao untatekelezwa kwa ushirikiano kati ya Chuo Kikuu cha Sokoine cha Kilimo (SUA) na Shirika lisilo la kiserikali la RECODA (Research, Community and Organizational Development Associates) unawezesha wakulima Wilayani Mvomero na Manispaa ya Morogoro kutumia teknolojia mbalimbali za kilimo na ufugaji. Mradi huo ambao ni sehemu ya makubaliano ya ushirikiano (MoU) kati...
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Mr Solomon Mhango present, implications of adoption of Paddy Production  innovation on Geder roles in Mvomero District, Tanzania
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Mr. Laizer Obed L., ( BRD third year  student), presenting his research project titled An Assement of Drought and its implications for livelihood . A case of Kongwa District in Dodoma
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Ms. Murondoro, Rebecca (a third year BRD student)  presenting her research project proposal titled An assessment of beach management units’ (BMUs) performance in Managing Fisheries Resources in Luchele ward , Mwanza Region.  
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