Academic staff

Currently, the Department has 20 academic staff.  These academic staff are specialized in different development studies fields including rural development, entrepreneurship, economics, poverty analysis, food security, governance, conflict management, Project Management, Gender and Development, Sociology, Demography and Population, Natural Resource Management and Human Ecology.

To get detailed information about each staff, click on the name of that staff.


  1. Prof. Kim Kayunze

Associate Professor

  1. Prof. Juma S. Kabote – College Principal
  2. Prof. Carolyne Nombo
  3. Prof. Anna Sikira
  4. Prof. John. N. Jeckoniah
  5. Prof. Faustine Kamuzora
  6. Prof. Jonathan S. Mbwambo
  7. Prof. Mikidadi I. Muhanga

Senior Lecturers

  1. Dr. Emanuel E. Chingonikaya
  2. Dr. Frida S. Salehe
  3. Dr. Edwin E. Ngowi
  4. Dr. Raymond J. Salanga Head of Deapartment
  5. Dr. Halima O. Mangi
  6. Dr. Emmanuel T. Malisa
  7. Dr. Angela Jesse


    1. Dr. Justus V.Nsenga
    2. Dr. Yahaya E. Nawanda
    3. Dr. Judith S. Kahamba
    4. Dr. Kenya N.Muhenga


Assistant Lecturers

  1. Anna G. Monela
  2. Adelina A.Magaka

Tutorial Assistant

  1. Frank B. Moshi
  2. Rehema E. Mollel