RPC Fortunatus Muslim, the Morogoro Regional Police Commander, visited the CSSH pavilion one day before the visit by the opening Guest of HonourRead More
The Guest of Honour, retired Prime Minister of the United Republic of Tanzania, Hon. Mizengo Kayanza Peter Pinda, listening to the explanation about the CSSH provided by Dr. E.T. Malisa. “Karibu sana Mhe. Mgeni Rasmi. Hii ni Ndaki ya Sayansi za Jamii na Insia; ambayo inajihusisha na ufundishaji na tafiti kuhusiana na masuala ya maendeleo....Read More
The College of Social Sciences and Humanities (CSSH) organized a two-day workshop on supervision of postgraduate students, at ICE, Sokoine University of Agriculture, from 17-18 May 2022. The workshop was officiated by Prof. Esron Karimuribo, who is the Director of Postgraduate Studies, Research, Technology Transfer and Consultancy (DRPGS). The overall aim was to improve the...Read More
RDVA magazine is the gift and dedication to all of those all those who have devoted their time,money, and resources to make an impact among other people’s lives through their works of voluteering, and this is for them. Their intuitions and vions have led us hereto this peak and their kindness will always shed a...Read More
Project is funded by Sokoine University of Agriculture Research and Innovation Support (SUARIS)t is a two years’ project (May 2021-April 2023) led by Dr. Suzana S. Nyanda from the Department of Policy, Planning and Management. Other project team members are Prof. Justin K. Urassa, Dr. Emmanuel T. Malisa and Dr. Faith P. Mabiki. In Tanzania,...Read More
The Meeting was held on 14th March 2022. This Sub-Council was able to address a wide range of issues of interest to staff and the College as a whole. Prof Kabote as the chairman of this council was able to provide clarification on various issues in the meeting and moreover he was able to promise...Read More
Prof.Samwel J. Kabote and Jires Tunguhole give a presentation on 10 December at 10-11am (UTC+2) as part of the Sustainable development solutions for Tanzania – strengthening research to achieve SDGs project. The presentation is held as a webinar, in collaboration with UONGOZI Institute.The event is chaired by Caroline Israel, UONGOZI Institute’s Ag. Head of Research...Read More
On December 01, 2021, as part of celebrating the 60 years of independence of Tanzania mainland, Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Mwalimu Julius K. Nyerere University of Agriculture and Technology (MJNUAT), and St. Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT) organized a one-day conference to discuss the development of agriculture sector. For details , visit https://www.sua.ac.tz/news/60-years-independence-universities-tasked-transform-agriculture-sectorRead More
Members of the Board discussing various agenda of the meeting being led by Professor Samwuel M. Wangwe who is the Chair of the Board, photo by Daniel Masunzu. The College Board RECEIVED, CONSIDERED, DISCUSSED and APPROVED the University Probation/ First Sitting Examinations Results for Undergraduate, Postgraduate Students and a List of Undergraduate graduate students for...Read More