Chairman of the University of Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) Retired Judge Mohamed Chande Othman speaking to his host Vice-Chancellor of the University of Agriculture Prof Raphael Chibunda right and left is the Chairman of the Council. Ester Mwaikambo (Photo by Vedasto George)Read More
The vice chancellor of Sokoine University of Agriculture invites the public to the Sokoine memorial week to be held at the main campus of the Sokoine University of Agriculture from 9th to 12th April, 2019. The theme of the week is “Agricultural productivity and Industrialization for Tanzania’s Development: Lessons from Edward Moringe Sokoine and Prospects for...Read More
About the Course The short course on project Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) for Results Based is designed for managers and monitoring and evaluation officers who supervise, manage, plan and implement M&E in their projects and programmes. The course addresses M&E for the entire results chain, including all-important outcomes of the project / programme. The course...Read More
About the Course The short course on project Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) for Results Based is designed for managers and monitoring and evaluation officers who supervise, manage, plan and implement M&E in their projects and programmes. The course addresses M&E for the entire results chain, including all-important outcomes of the project / programme. The course...Read More
About the Course The short course on project Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) for Results Based is designed for managers and monitoring and evaluation officers who supervise, manage, plan and implement M&E in their projects and programmes. The course addresses M&E for the entire results chain, including all-important outcomes of the project / programme. The course...Read More
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